Friday, May 31, 2024

What a Difference a Year Makes!

Looking back on customs from a year ago, I think progress is apparent.

(This is not meant to be a braggy post, heck, it's mostly just to help myself document!)

Ignoring that I bought my airbrush in July, the details added by normal brush have gotten so much nicer, imo!

Completed May 2023

Completed April 2024

These two models were chosen because during both of their creation processes, I used a splatter technique using a toothbrush (more obvious on the fleabitten).

A *huge* part of the improvement is increased patience. For me, learning that skill is no easy task, and is a continuous struggle.

I'm strongly considering stripping the fleabitten Alby and re-doing him in the same color. What do y'all think?

Thursday, April 25, 2024

Artist Resin Hoard

I recently bought two second quality resin lots from Hold Your Horses WI. With other various ones already in the body box- I'm now drowning in resin bodies.

(Yes, I need to dust!)

They of course require a bit more prep work than usual... but I'm excited! Might take me a year or two to paint them all, lol!

Apologies for vanishing off the face of the earth blog-wise. I'll try to do better! 🫠

Saturday, March 2, 2024

I Did It!!

My NaMoPaiMo model was (somewhat surprisingly) completed on time!

I’ll get ‘official’ photos at some point, right now I don’t have the energy. Chronic health conditions are kicking my butt this week.

Pretty pleased with him! The first large(r) scale model that I’ve painted. :)

Tuesday, February 20, 2024

The NaMoPaiMo Deadline is Aproaching . . .

Between various issues in my personal life, I have only just now finished the base color. 🫠

I'm very pleased with how he's looking! I'm dreading the white markings a little, but, it'll be alright. He came out a little darker (and more yellow/orange) than initially planned, lol.

I hope those of you who are also participating are a little further ahead than me, progress-wise!

Thursday, January 25, 2024

NaMoPaiMo Preparations

This year is the first time I will be participating!

I’m pretty excited. I chose to challenge myself not only with the paint job, but with sculpting, too! I decided to resculpt an artist resin that was in really rough condition. He was stored in my closet for almost four years- waiting for me to be skilled enough to work on him!

You can see how bad of a cast he was by looking at the left side of his face. His left ear was only partially cast, which is repaired in this photo. I also added some cheek detailing.

I sculpted the missing parts of his tail, and then made his ears symmetrical. Various other (large) holes on his legs were filled in as well.

I dremeled out his eye sockets (ouch, poor pony!), and began working on making new eyes for him. His old eyes weren't going to match his future breed assignment, as they were a bit too hooded. I also added a forelock!

Took my official NaMoPaiMo entry photo (ah! a real person! scary!), and then he got primed! I did not expect the primer to be silver, but, it won't do anything but help with his planned color, lol.

I can't wait to start painting! :)

Wednesday, December 20, 2023

Digital sculpting! 👀

 I just tried it for the first time tonight. I’m hooked!

I’ve never sculpted before (digital or not), but I think I did pretty well for my first attempt! It’s not even finished, but, thought I’d throw a post together anyway. :)

He might be wonky anatomically, but, that’s fine with me, lol.

Thursday, November 16, 2023

Busy Season

I’m almost finished with a big batch of models! Soon I’ll be able to post some more photos on here! :)